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Übersicht der Parameter
sdrtx -h Modulate audio to IQ-File -b <0..1> filter bass of modulation (not stereo) (0.05) -c <v> ssb rf-clipper level after ALC 1=off (1.0) -d <Hz> fm deviation (3000) (stereo 40000) -f <output format> u8 i16 f32 (u8) -g <v> input loudness (not stereo) more for more ALC (50.0) -h this -i <filename> input file/pipe/oss-device (stereo 2 channel 48kHz) (/dev/dsp) -l <Hz> modulation lowpass (not stereo) 0=off (3000) -m <modulation> u(sb) l(sb) a(m) f(m) s(stereo) (f) -o <filename> output iq file/pipe -p <0..1> preemphase of modulation (not stereo) 0=off (0.8) -r <n> output/input samplerate (21.33333) -s <Hz> shift signal from iq band center (0) -u <Hz> upsampler aliasing filter (6000) (stereo 22000) all <Hz>-values based on 48kHz input samplerate and stereo pilot tone filters 4th order IIR, stereo preemphase+17kHz lowpass 64 tap FIR