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Über loratx

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loratx ist das Sendemodul für sendefähige SDR-Geräte, als Gegenstück zum Empfangsmodul lorarx.

Kompatible Geräte: - Wer hat Infos? Bitte melden!

Parameter in der Kurzübersicht

Make iq file with lora encoded text and apply noise, dropouts and wrong bits for tests

 -b <bandwidth>      kHz 0:7.8 1:10.4 2:15.6 3:20.8 4:31.25 5:41.7 6:62.5 7:125 8:250 9:500 (7)
 -C                  send CRC
 -c <codingrate>     4..8 (5)
 -f <output-format>  u8 i16 f32 (u8)
 -g <gainfactor>     output level 0.0..1.0, with -f f32 more (1.0)
 -h                  this...
 -I                  implicit header on
 -i <infile>         text to send filename
 -j                  insert '3C FF 01' (hex) before text
 -N <hh>             Sync symbols, network-id in hex (12)
 -O <0..1>           optimize on off else automatic (-1)
 -o <outfile>        iq file name
 -p <chirps>         preample length (8)
 -r <samplerate>     iq sampelrate Hz (125000.0)
 -S <shift>          shift signal frequency inside iq-band (Hz) (0)
 -T <n> <pattern>    for FEC tests set n'th chirp to zero level (pattern=0)
                       or xor with <pattern> (decimal), may be repeatet
 -s <sf>             spread factor (6..12) (12)
 -v                  verbous
 -w <level>          add white noise
 -z <n>              add zero or noise chirps at end (0)
loratx -i beacon.txt -j -f i16 -r 2600000 -C -o /tmp/lora.iq -s 12 -c 5 -b 7

Ausführliche Beschreibung der Parameter

Parameter Beschreibung
b <bandwidth> send CRC
c <codingrate> 4..8 (5)
C use crc on implicit header
f <output-format> u8 i16 f32 (u8)
g <gainfactor> output level 0.0..1.0, with -f f32 more (1.0)
h Hilfetext.
I implicit header on
i <infile> text to send filename
j insert '3C FF 01' (hex) before text
N <hh> Sync symbols, network-id in hex (12)
O <0..1> optimize on off else automatic (-1)
o <outfile> iq file name
p <chirps> preample length (8)
r <samplerate> iq sampelrate Hz (125000.0)
S <shift> shift signal frequency inside iq-band (Hz) (0)
T <n> <pattern> for FEC tests set n'th chirp to zero level (pattern=0), or xor with <pattern> (decimal), may be repeatet
s <sf> spread factor (6..12) (12)
v Zeige Informationen in der Bildschirmausgabe
w <level> add white noise
z <n> add zero or noise chirps at end (0)