Sondeudp: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Zeile 63: Zeile 63:
! Parameter!! Beschreibung
! Parameter!! Beschreibung
disable M10,M20 decoding (use -C before to select a channel)
| 1|| disable M10,M20 decoding (use -C before to select a channel)
| 3|| disable SRSC34/50 decoding (use -C before to select a channel)
| 3|| disable SRSC34/50 decoding (use -C before to select a channel)

Version vom 7. Oktober 2020, 19:52 Uhr

Beschreibung von sondeudp

sondeudp ist Multikanal Wettersondemodulator. Als Audioquelle kann sowohl eine OSS Soundquelle (Soundkarte), RAW/WAV-Datei oder eine Audiopipe genutzt werden. Zusammen mit sdrtst, sondemod und einem USB SDR-Stick kann ein multipler Wettersonden-RX aufgebaut werden, der eine Vielzahl an Frequenzen gleichzeitig überwacht und mitschreibt. sondeudp dekodiert ausschließlich das HF-Signal und gibt alle Daten digital per UDP an einen Dekoder sondemod weiter. Eine Auswertung und Weiterverarbeitung dieser Daten findet innerhalb sondeudp nicht statt, man kann aber wichtige Daten mit -v in der Bildschirmausgabe anzeigen lassen.

Parameter Kurzbeschreibung

sondeudp -h

Mono/Stereo up to 64 Channel RS92, RS41, C34, C50, DFM, IMET, M10, M20 Sonde Demodulator
to raw Frames sent via UDP to 'sondemod' decoder or watch with -v V:1.36e
more demodulators may send to same 'sondemod'
Stereo used for 2 Rx for 2 Sondes or 1 Sonde with Antenna-Diversity
 Switch off not needed decoders to save CPU
 -1             disable M10,M20 decoding (use -C before to select a channel)
 -3             disable SRSC34/50 decoding (use -C before to select a channel)
 -4             disable RS41 decoding (use -C before to select a channel)
 -6             disable DFM decoding (use -C before to select a channel)
 -8             disable IMET decoding (use -C before to select a channel)
 -9             disable RS92 decoding (use -C before to select a channel)
 +<typenum>     exclude from sleep if -W <s> set eg. "+4" no sleep RS41
 -a             abort on sounddevice error else retry to open (USB audio, pipe)
 -c <num>       maxchannels, 0 for automatic channel number recognition from sdrtst
 -C <num>       channel parameters follow (repeat for each channel)
 -D <filename>  write raw soundcard input data to file or pipe
                for debug or chaining demodulators (equalizer diversity)
 -e <num>       demod equalizer (0) 100=6db/oct highpass (-999..999)
                -C <n> before -e sets channel number
 -f <num>       adcrate (22050) (8000..96000)
 -g <minutes>   DFMxx (with no serial number) substitute name stability check before tx (1)
                default set to 3 on automatic serial number search "-n 0"
 -G <minutes>   no tx if DFMxx substitute Name changes (3)
 -h             help
 -I <call>      mycall + ssid (use -C before to select 1 channel) else sondemod sets call
 -l <num>       sound buffer length (256)
 -L <name>      Label of device sent to sondemod, max 4 char
 -M <x.x.x.x:destport> Send (human readable) UDP info about decoded data to Scanner
                  (or netcat) to weed out birdies, maybe repeated for more destinations
 -N <num>       1..255 generate DFM-ID from serial no. (see -V) (off)
                num is start byte of frame with serial no. in decimal "AC00070" -N 172
                0 automatic search serial number (default), increase -S for more reliability
 -n <num>       same as -N but send substitute name if no serial number found in "-g" min
 -O             DFM send "DF6..." with hex number else "D..." with decimal number
 -o <filename>  oss devicename (/dev/dsp) or raw/wav audio file or pipe /dev/stdin
 -s             disable sending sdr-data (freq/afc/rssi/label) to (old version) sondemod
 -S <retries>   check DFM serial number for stability before fixing name (1)
                on automatic search, minimum and default is 2
 -u <x.x.x.x:destport> send rx data in udp (to sondemod), -C <n> before sets
                channel number, maybe repeated for more destinations
 -V             very verbous, with some hex dumps
 -v             verbous, (frames with Name looks ok)
 -W <s>         cyclic sleep <seconds> inactive demodulators to save CPU
                  wakes 1..2s (dep. on type) and stay long awake if found fitting pattern
                  do not use in frequency-hopping environment
example: sondeudp -f 16000 -o /dev/dsp -c 2 -C 0 -e 50 -u -v

Ausführliche Beschreibung der Parameter

Parameter Beschreibung
1 disable M10,M20 decoding (use -C before to select a channel)
3 disable SRSC34/50 decoding (use -C before to select a channel)
4 disable RS41 decoding (use -C before to select a channel)
6 disable DFM decoding (use -C before to select a channel)
8 disable IMET decoding (use -C before to select a channel)
9 disable RS92 decoding (use -C before to select a channel)
+<typenum> exclude from sleep if -W <s> set eg. "+4" no sleep RS41
a abort on sounddevice error else retry to open (USB audio, pipe)
c <num> maxchannels, 0 for automatic channel number recognition from sdrtst
C <num> channel parameters follow (repeat for each channel)
D <filename> write raw soundcard input data to file or pipe for debug or chaining demodulators (equalizer diversity)
e <num> demod equalizer (0) 100=6db/oct highpass (-999..999) -C <n> before -e sets channel number
f <num> adcrate (22050) (8000..96000)
g <minutes> DFMxx (with no serial number) substitute name stability check before tx (1)
G <minutes> no tx if DFMxx substitute Name changes (3)
h Hilfe
I <call> mycall + ssid (use -C before to select 1 channel) else sondemod sets call
l <num> sound buffer length (256)
L <name> Label of device sent to sondemod, max 4 char
M <x.x.x.x:destport> Send (human readable) UDP info about decoded data to Scanner (or netcat) to weed out birdies, maybe repeated for more destinations
N <num> 1..255 generate DFM-ID from serial no. (see -V) (off) num is start byte of frame with serial no. in decimal "AC00070" -N 172 0 automatic search serial number (default), increase -S for more
n <num> same as -N but send substitute name if no serial number found in "-g" min
O DFM send "DF6..." with hex number else "D..." with decimal number
o <filename> oss devicename (/dev/dsp) or raw/wav audio file or pipe /dev/stdin
s disable sending sdr-data (freq/afc/rssi/label) to (old version) sondemod
S <retries> check DFM serial number for stability before fixing name (1) on automatic search, minimum and default is 2
u <x.x.x.x:destport> send rx data in udp (to sondemod), -C <n> before sets channel number, maybe repeated for more destinations
V very verbous, with some hex dumps
v verbous, (frames with Name looks ok)
W cyclic sleep <seconds> inactive demodulators to save CPU wakes 1..2s (dep. on type) and stay long awake if found fitting pattern do not use in frequency-hopping environment
