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  • waterfall
  • waterfall3
  • waterfall.py


Übersicht der Parameter von waterfall

waterfall -h
 Make Waterfall image out of IQ-File
 -b <brightness>    gain (20.0)
 -c <file>          read colour lines "<index> <r> <g> <b>" (0..255) gaps interpolated
                      for colours testimage start without -i
 -h                 this
 -f u8|i16          IQ data format
 -i <file>          IQ-filename
 -j <samples>       jump to next position in IQ-file in samples (default read all samples)
 -j <ms>            in roll-mode (-r) wait ms till next subsample taken from near eof
                      next image written in this time*oversample at system clock second change
                      on system clock jump max. 60s will be filled or left out
 -m                 mirror image vertical
 -o <n>             oversample <n> times with peak-hold before draw next line (1)
                      if -r and IQ-file is a pipe: -o seconds/line -j samples/line
 -r                 roll-mode with image line from last position of (growing) IQ-file
                      IQ-file may be removed/rewritten any time
 -t                 unfilled part of image is transparent
 -w <file>          waterfall image png in roll mode written every new line
 -x <pixel>         image x-size, prefer 2^n for no pixel interpolation
 -y <pixel>         image y-size, if not -r default as filesize
 -Z <%>             threshold for blacklevel in % of pixels/line below black (10)
 -z <level>         manual noisefloor blacklevel, 0.0 for automatic (0.0)


Übersicht der Parameter

waterfall3 -h
 Make Waterfall image out of IQ-File
 -b <brightness>    gain (20.0)
 -C                 combine median and peak of "-o" lines
 -c <file>          read colour lines "<index> <r> <g> <b>" (0..255) gaps interpolated
                      for colours testimage start without -i
 -d                 ADC DC-offset filter on
 -h                 this
 -f u8|i16          IQ data format
 -i <file>          IQ-filename
 -j <samples>       jump to next position in IQ-file in samples (default read all samples)
                      to see samples attenuated by window function too, set to less than "-x"
 -j <ms>            in roll-mode (-r) wait ms till next subsample taken from near eof
                      next image written in this time*oversample at system clock second change
                      on system clock jump max. 60s will be filled or left out
 -M                 make median of "-o" lines before draw it, default peak-hold
 -m                 mirror image vertical
 -o <n>             oversample <n> times with peak-hold before draw it (1)
                      if -r and IQ-file is a pipe: -o seconds/line -j samples/line
 -r                 roll-mode with image line from last position of (growing) IQ-file
                      IQ-file may be removed/rewritten any time
 -t                 unfilled part of image is transparent
 -w <file>          waterfall image png in roll mode written every new line
 -x <pixel>         image x-size, prefer 2^n for no pixel interpolation
 -y <pixel>         image y-size, if not -r default as filesize
 -Z <%>             threshold for blacklevel in % of pixels/line below black (10)
 -z <level>         manual noisefloor blacklevel, 0.0 for automatic (0.0)
